almost me !!

well well ... its almost me !!! well u get to know my and all the dumb stuff i do and well maybe aslo ull get to know the tricks og being lazyyy ..

Saturday, September 30, 2006

OK now what u see on the left umm maybe right .. well tht picture ... cool huh ?? anyways tht picture explains a lot .. thts kinda edited from paint yea u herd it PAINT. tht the logo of out lil gang and we name it "Dooms Desire". u see the first dragon is a "D" reversed and the second dragon is a actual "D" wich resembles "D"ooms "D"esire. Well anyways the members are as follows -

1 - Humam
2 - Naanu
3 - Aman
4 - Ashham
5 - aleef
6 - Rai

Anyways the positions are as like follows .. everyone is the boss and when soemone comes up with some craxy plan to do soemthign wicked and craxy .. we just do it simple isnt it??

And we have another wicked thing on our minds .. to make our own band tht would be like me the lead guitarist , naanu base, rai rythm and aleef skins, and vocals we have no idea no one can sing but ahham said he would really try .... :D


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