almost me !!

well well ... its almost me !!! well u get to know my and all the dumb stuff i do and well maybe aslo ull get to know the tricks og being lazyyy ..

Monday, October 02, 2006

Kingdom Hearts !

for all the gamerz out there .... !!!1 this is one hell of a game you should play .. yeah kingdom hearts and all its part 2 ofcourse .... lemme explain the battle system is great as in what u say real time battling no turn based .... and y thts so suprising is because this is RPG (role playing game). anyways lets explain the chracters...
all of you know Goofy, Donald, and the guy in the midle hes Sora the red haired cuty is Kairy and the white haired tough guy is Rikku.. and this game features other charcater like mikkie and minnie mouse.... captain jack sparrow, peter pan , tarazan, final fantasy characters like Cloud, Sephiroth,Yuna, and other disney characters like Aladdin,the nightmare before chirstmas, even pooh bear .......... GOD!!!!! a big list ..... etc... Its got a great story as well as a gud funny game play and have a gud time playing :D


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