almost me !!

well well ... its almost me !!! well u get to know my and all the dumb stuff i do and well maybe aslo ull get to know the tricks og being lazyyy ..

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

me and my best friend !!!

Alrite lots of some adult friends of me says tht i look like calvin and behave like him :) im sooo happy to be a care free pest in life ..... :D and ehehehee my best friend andhu is the same i guess ..... so i give him hobbes .. he kinda u know un active and when hes charged he gets charged eehehe lol .. Calvin and Hobbes !!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol i love u dude :p
i know that this sounds totally gay ;)

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah Calvin does remind me of u Humam.. But Calvin is undoubtedly much more cuter and adorable (no offence) :P

11:52 PM  
Blogger Yumma said...

Omg! All ma life i've been searchin for calvin.. I LUUURVE CALVIN!! waitaminit! This aint riiite.. U cannot be calvin.. coz then i'll be in love with u.. And thats totally bleugh! No offence short stuff.. LOL..
But I adore calvin.. And yea, ur rite.. U do remind me of him.. :)

2:18 PM  

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